
AUSTIN A40 FARINA, Mark 1, 1958-1961 and A35 with 948cc-34 HP engine, a complete Abarth & Co. 2-part exhaust system(NOS) with Abarth nr. 1151 with small 32 mm diameter endpipes.This extremely rare exhaust system which was produced by Abarth for the in Italy assembled INNOCENTI A40.  This system will also fit the Austin A30-A35.                   Price € 595,00 + shipping. (ALL SOLD)

Also for the AUSTIN-INNOCENTI Farina A40 Mark 2, A40S, 948cc/37 HP and 1098/48 HP from 1961-1967, 2-part exhaust system with Abarth nr. 1212 with twin 60 mm diameter endresonators, including Italian Certificato Approvazione nr. 3505 S                                                                                                                                                                           Price € 595,00 + shipping.(SORRY ALL SOLD!)

AUSTIN Clubman Estate 1100 Abarth Nr. 1526
€ 295,00 only endmuffler(Top drawing) SOLD OUT!

AUSTIN 1100 GLIDER ADO 16, INNOCENTI IM3-J4, cpl. Abarth exhaust system nr. 1261/1207, please see under Innocenti IM3.

AUSTIN 1300 GT, 2-part Abarth exhaust system nr. 1354-1261, see under INNOCENTI IM3

AUSTIN Mini 850, Mk I- Mk II Abarth nr. 1249
€ 495,00(only endsilencer) including German ABE.(SOLD)

Complete system including ABARTH 35 mm middle pipe (SOLD)

AUSTIN Cooper 1000 en Cooper S 1000/1275, Abarth endmuffler, Abarth nr. 1239/1252 incl. bracket and canvas straps, 45 mm ID of the incoming pipe.
€ 495,00 (only endsilencer) including German ABE.(SOLD)

Complete system including Abarth middle silencer(SOLD)

Austin Cooper S, nr. 1239 nr.1Austin Cooper S, nr. 1239 nr.4Austin Cooper S, nr. 1239 nr.3jpgAustin Cooper S, nr. 1239 nr.2jpgRobbert-Jan Böttcher en Terlan 22-11-2014 071Robbert-Jan Böttcher en Terlan 22-11-2014 070 Austin Mini Cooper (1)Austin Mini 850-1000Austin Mini Abarth exhaustAustin Mini Cooper (1)Austin Mini Cooper (2)

ROVER Mini Cooper 1,3i-Kat from 1992 ANSA endsilencer nr. RV 4027 € 225,00 (SORRY ALL SOLD!)

Austin-Rover Mini 1,3i Cooper ANSA from 1992 RV 4027 (1) Austin-Rover Mini 1,3i Cooper ANSA from 1992 RV 4027 (2) Austin-Rover Mini 1,3i Cooper ANSA from 1992 RV 4027 (3)ANSA Mini Cooper 1.3i - Kat from 1992 RV 4027

Austin Mini 850-1000, an original ANSA endsilencer with twin 60 mm diameter Ansa endresonators, this silencer is fitted on the left side and has an ID of the incoming pipe of 35 mm, with slight modification the inlet can de enlarged to 45 mm ID to fit a Cooper S.                                                        Price € 325,00 incl. Vat/Btw+ shipping (SORRY SOLD!)